Friday, 10 February 2012

Talking Monki Tv Bio

When Charles Darwin first discovered the reminisce of ancient human beings no one could have predicted the unprecedented impact that this discovery would have on culture, religion and our view of human kind as a whole. The theory of evolution was proposed, the illusive question asked, could we as human beings have evolved from primates? Is it possible that our ancestry is less idealistic and romantic as we have been made to believe for thousands of years? Could it be that we come from a lineage of tree climbing, flea ridden, fruit eating, casual sex having, self grooming, hairy backed, opposable thumb yielding jungle miscreants…doesn’t sound so strange anymore does it?

They say that homo-sapiens share up to 95% of their genome with primates, more with the ape family than any other. 95%...lets consider what this means. If I was 95% less black than I already am I would most probably be another race. If I have R100 in my pocket and lose 95%, I only have R5 left (which can only afford you the humiliation of having to buy a R5 airtime voucher or half a loaf of bread). If I graduated from university (which I didn’t) and I got 95%, I would’ve graduated cum laud (and not ended up working in a retail store). Having said this, let me prose this question…if I made you a sandwich that was 95% bear shit and 5% ham, would you call that a ham sandwich?

TALKING MONKI TV is a concept that exists beyond merchandise and the visual representation of my music. It’s a question I have posed to myself about the validity of the human ego and commentary on the human condition. Do we really have a right to act superior to anyone else by virtue of what we think we have or who we perceive ourselves to be? I say NO comrades! So in essence TALKING MONKI TV is an idea, a very romantic idea but and idea nonetheless that we all be clothed under the vale of equality because we are not better than chimpanzees, in fact the only thing we’ve gotten right is learning to talk, the wheel and that pants are great when you’re trying to impress a woman (or is it?). We are all just TALKING MONKIS I guess.

TALKING MONKI TV is represented by four characters, the transformer, the b-boy Buddha monk, the news anchor and the sock puppet. These characters are all my imaginary friends that exist in the TALKING MONKI TV omni verse. Their origins are all shrouded in mystery but they all some how connected by one common idea…TALKING MONKI TV!   

Prints available via: /

Unfortunately all the merchandise was sold out.. guess y'all will have to wait for the next visit from the imaginery friends. There are still some straight peaks available @

In a distant universe before The Council forged the Green Lanterns' ring, before Lobo was bounty hunting through out the universe, before the Autobots landed on our planet and Cryton was still in one piece the universe was preparing for the day that the Earth would produce the most bad ass Hip hop, kung fu master, beat killing machine ...that day never came but they got pretty damn close the day HISHAAM was born.

**dramatic music**

Hishaam was born 9th July 1986 (when Hip hop was arguably at its purest) in Port Elizabeth, a city on the coast of the Eastern Cape in South Africa. He spent his earliest years in New Brighton when he was exposed to Hip Hop for the first time. He moved to central with his mother and sister where lived for many years. This is where he would pick up the pen and write his first poem. This was in 1999 then he was at the tender age of 13. His wide eyed approach to every song he heard and every lesson imparted to him became the basis of his innate ability to analyse and internalise subjective situations and express them in away the reader or listener is somewhat connect to his words. In 2001 he met Mr Weathaspoon and him along with then co-member of Phreedum of Speech, Adumus Sapien formed The Art-Official Element (Adumus Sapien left the group leaving Hishaam and Mr Weathaspun). They went on to create a huge buzz within the city with a track called "Inches Away" produced by Siya the 13th Disciple and subsequently going on to being feature of a South America/ South African mixtape call Kwani Hip hop Mixtape. By then Hishaam had started getting noticed for his articulate delivery and well constructed flow. One of those people was JBux, who approached him for the 2005 collaboration on a track called "Super Star" produced by Swedish native Definition Baroque. His stand out performance on that track led to Hishaam being approached by JBux and Rushay to join their new label, True Sight Music. 

At this time Hishaam was already working on his first project entitled The Human Condition which was produced by close friend Sykotiq and one song by Definition Baroque. This project was never officially released. Sticking to his roots soon after that Hishaam recorded the track "Trouble With You Kids" produced by Sykotiq which was featured on a Hype Sessions (mixed by Beat Oven) and the acclaimed True Sight Music Mixtape which was the first official release with True Sight Music. 2009 would be the year Hishaam released his debut e.p, "How to make imaginary friends" produced by A-Sounds. The project was very received, earning a 4.5 out of 5 rating in the Hype Magazine. Soon after this Hishaam met with Avon (Dj Kenichi) and Warren (Bake) of Black Concepts which would mark the collaboration between Hishaam and Black Concepts known as <TALKING MONKI TV>.

Hishaam has to date performed primarily in his home town of Port Elizabeth on a local and international level such as the annual Splash Fest, Fifa Fan Fest and the International Music Fest featuring George Benson and Hugh Masikela. He has also worked with the likes of Dj Hamma and RJ Benjimin and judging from the quality of product that Hishaam has produced to date its clear that he is a hub of creativity and inspiration.

Photographs supplied by:

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